As you may have noticed, the combination of eggs and truffle is quite popular, not only because it goes really well, but above all truffle stands out perfectly!
Preparation : For this recipe, we are not going to beat the eggs in a bowl before cooking them, but they will be opened directly in a pan and once the egg whites have set, let's "scarmble"! We can choose the black or white truffle version, clearly based on availability and tastes.Let's go to the stove : Gather together the few ingredients, put on your apron and get to work! It's time for scrambled eggs with truffle: Happy reading and good preparation everyone! For all the other truffle recipes, keep updated on the blog of our website www.creativatruffles.com
We also recommend the egg on whole grain bread,with truffle of course!
Ingredients and procedure :
- 6 eggs
- Extra virgin olive oil to taste
- Salt qb
- Pepper
- Black/white truffle (a waterfall...)
1) Clean the truffle
2) Shell 6 eggs in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of oil
3) Add salt and pepper and let the egg whites thicken
4) Break the egg yolks with a wooden spoon
5) "Scramble" everything
6) Place the eggs in the individual dishes and slice the truffle directly onto the portions to your liking.
Enjoy your meal!